Beginners Meeting Format

The Mill Park AA Group Beginners Meeting every Thursday at 7:00pm at Miller Community Centre.


  • The meeting is a ‘discussion’ format with topics suggested from the floor.
  • Attendees are welcome to share if they identify as an alcoholic and have not had a drink on the day of the meeting.
  • Speakers are requested to be brief, stay on topic and share from their own experience.
  • All discussion should be directed through the chair.
  • Each week there is an advertised topic (advertised on the AATimes website) and we ask attendees to suggest other.
  • You are welcome to choose a topic from the list provided or select one of your own relating to sobriety and AA. See this page for a list of suggested questions.
  • We like to have a total of about four or five topics.

At the beginning of the meeting, we ask attendees to introduce themselves by first name, date of sobriety and Home Group (if they have one).

At the end of the meeting, we always end with this question “What’s the best thing about being sober this week?”. Everyone in attendance is asked to share on this topic.

For Members

You can download a pdf copy of our meeting script here.