Curren Place Guidelines

The Mill Park AA Group organises a roster of members who volunteer to visit Curran Place medical detox facility.

We recommend that visiting volunteers become familiar with the AA Conference approved pamphlet “AA in Treatment Settings”

The following guidelines were given to us by the Curren Place management in August 2023 to assist our volunteer members.

AA and NA information session guidelines for Curran Place
Guidelines for facilitators

We value and respect our regular AA and NA information sessions at Curran Place and are fortunate to have such passionate and knowledgeable presenters share their valuable time and experiences.

We ask you as presenters to be mindful that these are information sessions, not NA or AA meetings.

With most of our clients being in active withdrawal, it’s important that the focus of your discussion is on what led you to AA or NA and how it has helped your recovery from substances. Discussion of your substance use history should be relatively brief and not include a lot of detail.

We sometimes receive feedback from participants saying they’ve felt triggered or upset when hearing presenters’ experiences that include accounts of trauma suicidal ideation, or crime/jail. Whilst we acknowledge and understand that history is an important part of the journey, we ask that speakers not include these topics in the discussion.

Clients should also not be asked to “identify” (tell their story) or share.

Please ensure that discussion is kept strength based and recovery orientated in focus.

For example: what is the program about? How and why it can be of support, what are the 12 steps, 12 traditions, sponsor process, meetings list, what to expect, what are the benefits of recovery for you?

Please be aware that staff are there to maintain the focus throughout the information session and may redirect the discussion if required.

Thank you for your attendance and understanding.



